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Business Success Stories

Agri-food company put down strong roots in Bible Hill
The team at TruLeaf Sustainable Agriculture knew indoor-hydroponic farming could be the solution to providing Canadians with fresh, nutritious produce year-round — they just needed a helping hand while they proved it. Jeff McKinnon, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer with TruLeaf Sustainable Agriculture & GoodLeaf Community Farms, says they

Reaching new heights in Truro Heights
Ocean Sonics enjoys a beautiful new headquarters in Bayview Business Park Ocean Sonics designs and builds innovative products to improve the quality and success of underwater sound measurements. The company started out in Great Village — a lovely rural community about 25 minutes from Truro — but it wasn’t long

Home Hardware’s Eastern Distribution Centre
Home Hardware has nearly 1,100 stores across Canada, making it the country’s largest dealer-owned hardware, lumber, building materials, and furniture home improvement retailer. But hundreds of those stores would be sitting empty if it wasn’t for Home Hardware’s Eastern Distribution Centre located in the Debert Business Park. Phil Smith, Assistant

Stewiacke distillery ships spirits across Canada
Riley Giffen was in his organic chemistry class when the idea for his business struck him, suddenly. He was distilling essential oils from the zest of an orange peel, and he started thinking about how the same principles were used to distill spirits like vodka and rum. He went on